Past Year Referendums: 2020

The Peace & Life Referendums website started in 2020; below are the referendums we tracked that year.

See our home page for upcoming referendums. We also offer Future Referendum Ideas — creative ideas to research and develop.

See Past Referendums for 2022, 2023, and 2024. There were none worth reporting for 2021.

There were no referendums this year on the death penalty nor euthanasia.





Proposition 115:

Prohibition on Late-Term Abortions

On November 3 ballot, the no vote was about 59%.


Amendment 1:

Louisiana No Right to Abortion in Constitution Amendment

On November 3 ballot, passed with about 62% of the vote.


Note: West Virginia passed a similar state constitutional amendment in 2018, nullifying a state supreme court decision. Similar language has also been added to the state constitutions in Alabama and Tennessee.


Proposition 14:

Stem Cell Research Institute Bond Initiative

On November 3 ballot, passed with about 51% of the vote.





Missouri Medicaid Expansion Initiative

On August 4, 2020 ballot, passed with slim majority.



State Question 802:

Oklahoma Medicaid Expansion Initiative

On June 3, 2020 ballot, passed with slim majority.




Florida Amendment 2:

Fair Wage Amendment

On November 3 ballot, passed over 60% of the vote.





Proposition 118:

Paid Medical and Family Leave Initiative

On November 3 ballot; passed with about 57% of the vote.


Three Symbolic Measures

Measures attempting to remove remnants of racism, having symbolic impact rather than current legal impact:

Alabama Amendment 4, removing phrases for school segregation, against interracial marriage, and similar problems from the 1901 state constitution. It passed with over 66% of the vote.



Mississippi Ballot Measure 3 was a new flag design (pictured) to replace the one with the confederate symbol. It passed with over 71% of the vote. Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment, removes “and Providence Plantations” from Rhode Island’s formal name. It passed with almost 53% of the vote.



Amendment 1:

Nebraska Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment

Placed on the ballot by the legislature. On November 3 ballot; passed with over 68% of the vote.



Amendment C:

Utah Removal of Exception to Slavery Prohibition for Criminals Amendment 

On November 3 ballot; passed with over 80% of the vote.

Placed on the ballot by the legislature.


War is never directly on the ballot, of course, but there are occasionally issues related to war that could be suitable for our attention.

The New York Times reported that there were actually 6 local elections on Confederate statues in Virginia, and all of them failed to remove the statue. We had only found 2 through web search. Be sure to send us info on local elections that aren’t always well-covered in web sources.


Jackson County: Question 2. Removes the statues of Andrew Jackson outside the two county courthouses.

On November 3 ballot; 59% voted no.



Franklin County and Lunenburg County voted on Confederate statues from in front of their county courthouses.

Franklin County: the no vote for removing it was about 70%.

Lunenburg County: the yes vote for allowing it to remain was about 71%.

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