Arizona Referendums

No Ballot Measures yet for 2025-26

For the full list of referendums we’re tracking, see our home page.

See past year referendums for this state in 2024.




If you know of any referendums in Arizona that we should cover, including ones at the city or county level, please send information to:

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or call 816 –

753 – 2057 (Central Time)

Project Coordinator, Rachel MacNair

Information on Planned Parenthood Specific to Arizona:

Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Awarded $3M, Ending Wrongful Termination Case by Brianna Smith, August 23, 2019

Sexual Abuse Documentation

Planned Parenthood found negligent in reporting girl’s abortion,


Lawsuits filed on behalf of the teen contend the Glendale girl was subjected to continued molestation and sexual exploitation because the abortion provider and others didn’t notify police or CPS of her first abortion on Nov. 10, 1998.
Sheriff: Investigate Planned Parenthood That Didn’t Report Rape of Teen, Allowing Man to Rape 18 Other Girls by Sean Holstege, The Arizona Republic, May 21, 2014


On May 5, the Sheriff’s Office asked the Arizona Department of Health Services to look into Planned Parenthood’s handling of a 15-year-old girl who claimed Kost had raped and impregnated her. On April 17, the girl’s mother told detectives that clinicians said they “did not want the hassle” of reporting the assault, according to a police report filed in court.

[Court case: STATE OF ARIZONA V. TYLER KOST– CRIMINAL CASE Pinal County Superior Court, Case No. CR201400949]

 Health Violation Documents

Find documents at: 

Problems of Planned Parenthood – Arizona


Highlights from 2016 document:

The facility failed to properly sterilize instruments and textiles that “may come in contact with a patients’ blood and internal tissue.” Using unsterilized, dirty instruments on multiple women has the potential to spread infection.


Highlights from 2015 and 2020 documents:

The facility used expired medications on patients. Some were two years past their expiration dates.

Staff failed to perform required spore tests on the autoclaves (machines used to sterilize instruments). This could lead to “a potential risk of cross contamination and infection to their patients” according to the report.

Staff failed to properly maintain, clean, and sterilize the autoclaves as per the manufacturer’s instructions. There was no documentation that the autoclaves were cleaned on a weekly or even monthly basis.

When blood dripped from a used speculum onto the floor, staff was observed wiping it up with paper towels and cleaning spray rather than using bleach and properly disinfecting the floor.

Hazardous chemicals weren’t properly labeled.

Staff didn’t properly clean and disinfect post-procedure specimen bottles.

Staff failed to clean and sanitize examination tables between patients.

According to the report, these omissions, “have the potential for non-sterile instruments or non-disinfected supplies to be utilized on patients.”

There was no designated infection control person assigned to the infection control position, no one whose job is specifically to ensure that cleanliness and proper sterilization practices were followed.

There were multiple tears and punctures in the upholstered material of an examination table, exposing stuffing. This presents an infection risk as it makes the surface difficult or impossible to properly disinfect.

A patient had an adverse reaction to sedation administered before a procedure. She suffered severely low blood pressure. This wasn’t reported to the medical director or recorded in the procedure notes. The RN who administered the sedation wasn’t licensed to do so. When asked to show what protocols were in place for treating patients suffering severe hypotension (dangerously low blood pressure) the clinic was unable to provide any. The facility also had no guidelines for what blood pressure measurements indicated severe hypotension. According to the report, the center manager “verified, during an interview conducted on 2/13/15, that there are no established blood pressure parameters for severe hypotension, standing orders, and/or facility policy that identifies the care and treatment of a patient experiencing severe hypotension after adversely reacting to a medication provided for conscious sedation.”


Highlights from 2014 document: 

Didn’t have a policy for the use, cleaning, and preventive maintenance of certain equipment used on patients, such as heating pads.

The facility appeared to be using irrigation solution (Braun 0.9% Sodium Chloride) that, by manufacturer’s standards, should’ve been discarded.

The autoclave, used to sterilize the instruments, was required to be cleaned weekly. However, the last documented cleaning was nearly three months prior to the inspection. Staff couldn’t verify the autoclave had been cleaned more recently than that.

The clinic staff failed to monitor how many cycles the autoclave was running. This was supposed to be done automatically by a printout attached to the machine. However, the paper in the printer had run out and hadn’t been replaced.

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